
mardi 2 décembre 2014

Star subjected to injustice not entering the list of best player in the world in 2014!

Star subjected to injustice not entering the list of best player in the world in 2014!
mario gotze

The International Federation of Football announced a list of 55 star to choose among them the final Declaration for a variety of the best 11 players in all positions.

We will review in this report Obozor stars that have made significant levels this season and suffered injustice not chosen among competing names:

kilor Navas Real Madrid goalkeeper and Costa Rica

romero Goalkeeper Argentina, Sampdoria

Goalkeeper Handanovic Inter Milan

oochoa Goalkeeper Mexico and a refuge Spanish

Juventus defender Chiellini

mahdi Ben Attia Bayern Munich defender

Atletico Madrid defender _miranda

stefan De Freij Lazio defender and team Netherlands

aazikhuel Garay Zenit defender Russian and Argentina

matio Drameian right back Turin and Italy team

miralam Pjanic average Piazzale Roma Italian

joseh Callejon average field Naples Italian

arda Turan midfielder Atletico Madrid

koke Midfielder Atletico Madrid

jaby Midfielder Atletico Madrid

Arsenal midfielder Cazorla

luis Garcia midfielder Atletico Madrid

  Napoli striker
_ Higuain

rahim Sterling Liverpool striker

Arsenal striker Sanchez _alexas

mario gotze midfielder Bayern Munich

david Silva Manchester City playmaker

aron Ramsey Average Arsenal Square

ros Average Everton Barclay Square

Liverpool striker
_ Sturridge

mario Mandhukic Atletico Madrid striker

ontuo Geresman Atletico Madrid striker

  Juventus striker
_ Tevez

  Juventus striker
_ Llorente

Roma striker _geruwenho

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